How I Made An Extra $1339.12 In July '22

I've grown to love the end of each month, because that's when I add up how much all of my side hustles have made me. It never ceases to amaze me just how fast those small amounts add up.

This month was a tough one. On the last day of June I underwent surgery to remove four stubborn wisdom teeth, which had me feeling pretty awful for the first half of July. Just as I started to feel good again, my household got hit with a nasty cold which knocked us around for the second half of the month.

Fortunately, my side hustles weren't affected by the fact I was feeling pretty sorry for myself this month. When I first started looking for ways to make extra money, it was important that I found things that could be done from home while I look after my children. This meant that I could still make money this month despite the snotty noses and doctors visits.

Not only was I able to keep up with my side hustles this month, I actually smashed my previous record which was back in May when I earned $1,169.45.

In July, I was able to make an extra $1,339.12 from home by using the following sites.

Disclosure. This post contains affiliate links meaning I may get a commission if you sign up. I will only ever recommend sites that I actually use.

Surveys $655.07

The thing I love most about surveys is how flexible they are. After my surgery, my husband drove me home from the hospital and stopped by the chemist to pick up some medicine for me. While I was waiting in the car, moaning and groaning, I managed to complete a $5 survey which took less than 10 minutes.

Surveys don't often pay this well which is why I wanted to do it straight away, but lately I have been finding more and more survey opportunities that have been offering a decent amount of money.

In July, I spent roughly 1-2 hours each day completing surveys on my phone and computer. It is very time consuming but it’s the easiest way for me to make money from home.

While my children were sick they would stay up all night watching Bluey, so I figured if I'm not getting any sleep I might as well do some surveys and be making some money.

My favourite survey sites this month have been:


AttaPoll was my go to survey site this month. There's always a lot of surveys available and they often have ones that pay really well.

I won't waste my time on the ones that don't pay very much, I just focus on the opportunities that are actually worth it. I also avoid the surveys with low star ratings, as they’re more likely to screen me out.

You can sign up to AttaPoll here.

Octopus Group

I had quite a few survey opportunities from Octopus Group in July. They're one of my favourite survey sites because they're the best paying out of all the sites I use. There isn't usually many surveys available, but I was able to make quite a bit of money from them this month.

You can sign up to Octopus Group here.


I've started using Swagbucks more often and it's been decent for making a bit of extra money. Most of their surveys don't pay very well but every now and then they have good ones so I like to keep an eye out for those.

Otherwise there's lots of other fun ways to make money with Swagbucks, like playing games and participating in the daily polls.

You can sign up to Swagbucks here.


I recently started using PurplePatch and was pleasantly surprised. I received quite a few survey opportunities that were quick and easy to complete and paid pretty well.

I also got a couple of opportunities to participate in some online research panels which were interesting and well worth the time.

You can sign up to PurplePatch here.

Cashback $212.44

The cashback apps I used in July were ShopBack and CashRewards .

At the end of July I celebrated my birthday, which meant I finally had an excuse to treat myself to some new clothes. Did I try on the clothes in-store then end up ordering online to get the cashback deals? You bet I did.

You can sign up to ShopBack here and CashRewards here.

Savings Trackers $123.37

I've been selling printable savings trackers and charts on my Etsy store, as well as on my website. In July, I ran a sale to celebrate my birthday and was able to sell quite a few items.

I really love being able to help and motivate people with their savings progress, so this is by far my favourite side hustle.

Market Research $280.00

As I'm doing surveys I quite often get invited to market research opportunities such as research panels, online diaries, taste tests etc.

In July, I participated in quite a few online studies which were fun and interesting, and also paid quite well considering they didn't require much time or effort.

These opportunities have come from completing surveys through AttaPoll and PurplePatch.

ReceiptJar $50

I have been using ReceiptJar for a while and this month redeemed a $50 gift card.

ReceiptJar is an app that allows you to scan your receipts for points that can then be redeemed for gift cards. 

Although it takes some time to earn enough points for a gift card, it is a really easy way to get some extra money.

You can sign up to ReceiptJar here, using the referral code MADISOC7

Saving Like Mad Blog

In July, my blog was finally approved by Google Adsense to start showing ads (yay!). I had been trying for a couple of months and it kept getting rejected (probably because my blog was still very new) but they finally approved my website and now I'm very excited to have a new way of making extra money.

I have a busy month ahead in August with lots of birthdays coming up, but I'm going to keep up the effort and aim to smash this month's side hustle total. I’m going to aim for $1,500 next month so stay tuned for my progress!

Follow SavingLikeMad on social media to keep up to date with my side hustle journey, aswell as tips and motivation for saving money.

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How I Made An Extra $1413.96 in August ‘22


How I Made An Extra $1169.45 In May ‘22